“We specialize and offer medical rehabilitation and physiotherapy equipment”

Leg Positioning

To help provide a stable base for sitting, it’s important that the whole of a child's thigh is supported. The Bee seating system has a range of leg positioning accessories to ensure the optimal leg positioning, whilst the range of adjustment on the Bee itself is wide enough to also provide the option of long sitting for very young children or the use of a long leg sitting accessory for older children. Long sitting can be valuable in helping to maintain length of the muscles of the back of the thigh and this helps to enable children to straighten their legs fully and makes standing up straight and stepping much easier and more efficient.

The long leg sitting conversion also has an adjustable abduction block that supports your child's legs and maintains abduction at the hips, whilst standard abduction blocks provide different levels of abducted seating and the easy to use knee block can help in creating abduction or adduction or controlling windsweeping.