“We specialize and offer medical rehabilitation and physiotherapy equipment”

Head Positioning

To achieve a good postural seating position, the head and neck need to be in a central positioning. Head support should aim to keep the neck straight and the chin lifted slightly to enable interaction with the surrounding environment and peers. A good supporting head position can facilitate: -

All types of interaction
- Greater awareness of what’s happening around them
- Concentration skills (speech, listening, focus on activities)
- Functional motor skills
- Respiration and digestion
- Better visibility of (and therefore interest in) immediate environment
- Maintenance of correct posture therefore preventing postural deformities

The Bee Seating system has a flat headrest included as standard, which is suitable for children who require only minimal head support, however for those who require a much greater support, the Jenx Multigrip™ headrest is a unique and pioneering design. Within the padded and washable cover are "fingers" that can be moved and moulded to create an infinite variety of support shapes that can control ATNR, help with feeding, address the problems of unilateral inattention and many other problems faced by the children who use Bee. Multigrip™ head supports are available in a range of different sizes, all including a choice of highly flexible fixingbrackets, giving adjustment for height, depth and angle. Exclusively to the Jenx Bee, Multigrip™ technology is also available as a highly flexible shoulder protractor too.