“We specialize and offer medical rehabilitation and physiotherapy equipment”

Afiscooter C4

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The outstanding design of the Afiscooter C along with the user comfort facilities: a fully adjustable swiveling orthopedic seat that gives easy access and an enjoyable ride, the DELTA tiller that provides easy steering and is fully adjustable to accommodate any driver. A top quality drive is guaranteed with an advanced full suspension system.

In addition the Afiscooter C features a large rear basket (optional accessory). The 4 wheel model allows for a smooth and comfortable ride along with improved stability, indoor and outside.

Testing Standards
Afiscooters are designed with driver safety in mind and according to international standards. Afiscooters are certified for CE-12184 in Europe, FDA approved in USA and hold ISO 9001-2000.

All Afiscooters are covered by extensive warranty for a minimum period of one year. The warranty policy must also reflect the local rules and regulations. Please contact your local provider for specific details.

Return policy
Afikim Electric Vehicles - Afiscooters is a manufacturer of mobility scooters and as such do not accept returns of products. In order to obtain product return policy you should contact your local provider.


Accessories Bar
Golf equipment facility
Extra wide seat
Foot Control Mechanism
Twist Throttle
Integral Canopy AfiScooter-S
Lock Box AfiScooter-S
Rear Box SE
Seat Belt
Wide Seat
Basket for AfiScooter-C
Closed Box AfiScooter-S

Technical Specifications
